Reviewer role
October 16, 2024 2024-10-16 9:31Reviewer role
Double blin-review & Roles
Manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind review in which the identity of the reviewers and the authors are hidden from each other. Please avoid indications of authorship in the body of the manuscript whenever possible.
Progress in science relies heavily on effective communication of trusted information. Review by objective, impartial, and competent reviewers represents the fundamental basis for maintaining this trust. As such, editors and reviewers play important roles in SEA's mission and have special responsibilities.
- Editors or reviewers will treat manuscripts under review as confidential, recognizing them as the intellectual property of the author(s).
- Scientists will not serve as editors or reviewers of a manuscript if present or past connections with he author or the author's institution may prevent objective evaluation of the work.
- Scientists will not purposely delay publication of another person's manuscript to gain advantage over that person.
Research misconduct
As a society responsible for communication, SEA is dedicated to integrity in its research products and publications. SEA considers research misconduct a serious offense; such offenses include data fabrication, data falsification, inappropriate image manipulation, or plagiarism.
Detailed discussion of issues of misconduct is well beyond the scope of this statement. In general, however, SEA follows the best practices of Committee on Publication Ethics. These practices for specific cases of research and publication misconduct are available at: