

Sigla CMJ

Biannual journals of culture management.
ISSN-L: 2286-0452

  • Cross-cultural mixing performance
  • Cross-cultural knowledge management
  • Cross-cultural communication and relationship management
  • Cross-cultural aspects in interorganizational collaboration
  • Cross-cultural training methodology
  • Anthropology
  • Studies in theology, ethics and culture
  • Cross-cultural and interorganizational innovation
  • Diversity, values and norms of work: cultural foundations
  • Policies & human resources management, professional identity
  • Elements of management theory
  • Entrepreneurship and international business
  • Business and intercultural relations
  • Literary studies, Applied modern languages and Communication
  • Arts, Education & Humanities
Network Intelligence Studies - logo

A biannual journal of a collaborative and innovative conscience
ISSN-L: 2344-1712

The science of collaborative and innovative potential
  • Science, Technology and Innovation Studies;
  • Systems, Services & Design;
  • Open and Distributed Innovation;
  • Sharing Economy, Interorganizational Innovation;
  • Business Model Innovation;
  • Diffusion of Innovation;
  • Future of Cities.
Law Society & Organisations - logo

Multilingual periodical publishing cutting edge research in the broad field of law, society and organisations scholarship.
ISSN–L 2537 – 477X

LSO explores the intersection of law and sociology, economics, cultural studies, literature, political science, criminology, history, human rights, gender studies and political economy.
LSO Journal aims to become a prestigious forum for interdisciplinary debate, both at theoretical and practical research addressing relevant issues at national, regional and international level.
  1. The articles and case notes are designed to have the widest appeal to those interested in the law – whether as practitioners, judges or managers and adminstrators – and to provide an opportunity for them to keep abreast of new ideas, newly enacted legislation and the proposals for legal reform.
  2. LSO seeks to promote and publish original research on law and normative orders understood as social phenomena. LSO strives to enhance the understanding of the complex connections between law, culture, social structure and society by focusing on social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules, institutions, processes, and behaviors.
LSO explores the relationship between human behavior and the law, the legal system, and the legal process. Coverage spans criminal justice, law, psychology, sociology, psychiatry, political science, education, communication, and other areas. LSO offers an outlet for high-quality empirical and theoretical scholarly work at the intersection of law, economics and accounting. This includes research examining how law and regulation affect the structure, governance, performance, and function of organisations (firms, institutions, networks etc.) and markets that comprise the financial system. This interdisciplinary research area is referred to as “law and organisations” although relevant work comes from scholars whose principal home may be in accounting, economics or political science.
SEA - Practical Application of Science galerie - logo

A bridge between theoreticians and practitioners by the instrumentality of inter-, trans-, multi-, and crossdisciplinary approaches. ISSN-L: 2360-2554

  Economics: International economics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Empirical investigation, History of Economics, European Integration, Criticisms of assumptions, Economic Informatics;
Management: Innovation Management, Change Management, Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Service Management, Corporate Governance, Labor Management, Quality Management, Strategic Management, Project Management, Production Management, Logistics, Management best practices;
Marketing and Commerce;
Managing medical issues have become vital due to the large number of patients in present days. Proper hospital and relevant medical management is the key to deliver apposite healthcare facilities.
  The present scientific and technical advancement related to medical issues is also supporting in patient and hospital managements effectively.
  Our HMM Section provide such discussion platform where information among the interested individuals could be shared. This is an open access peer reviewed section which considers articles in the mode of a research, review, case study, short communication, perspective and commentary. The section will consider articles in all aspect of healthcare management, especially topics encompassing latest methodologies for handling electronic medical records, managing hospital networks, administrative aspects of healthcare management, patients data managements, application of information technology in managing various types of patient and other data, management of equipment, cleaning and disinfection management, telemedicine, facility management, patient monitoring etc.
Communication studies;
Geography (human);

Is a branch of the social sciences that focuses on understanding and analyzing leisure. Recreation, sport and tourism are common topics of leisure research.
Tourism and Leisure Studies;
Sport and Education;
Sport Science;
Sports Studies;
Sport Psychology;

Science Education;
Religious Studies;
Management Intercultural - logo

journal with the same theme as Cross-Cultural Management Journal. Publication languages: French and Romanian.
ISSN-L: 1454-9980

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